A Sieve & A Storm
I don't know what you see when you look at this photo, but I see a broken generator, a truck without snow tires, a pile of lumber's been sitting in the driveway for over a year, 4 cords of seasoned firewood tarps blown off in a bad way, gardening tools frozen in place, & two wood sheds didn't get built…
Barn Board
We met on the job, in Quechee VT; he was the on-site restoration carpenter, & we were the new gardeners…
Woods Talk
Sometimes our most important discussions occur in the woods, or off site, certainly not on T.V. or social media…
Stops Along the Way
She'd bought four peonies, two the same, one to go down by the brook, the rest, she said, to be placed according to my eye…
Plumber’s Crack
"Yeah, they've been selling like hotcakes, not sure why" she quipped, totaling up my bill for peat moss, stove gasket & a pair of navy blue suspenders…
My Brilliant Days
As the brilliant days of October darken, every pink, or purple left in the garden sharpens, to a heart-wrenching point…
Chasing Dragons
Bending to popular demand, my father would sometimes find himself in MacDonald's, awkwardly jingling the change in his pockets, which was a sign of his discomfort…
An Old Baptisia
“Mostly, they're just selling books to each other", said an anonymous source, when asked about the Antiquarian Book Sellers, whose brochure I was fondling…