Darker Days
It takes a long time to cut geranium stems with a hand tool, on a cold day, if the field of flowers is vast…
Cutting Back
The new gardening client, situated somewhere between the Adirondacks & Mt. Mansfield, was more than generous…
A Divine Lift
"Straighten her out", he yelled, so I yanked at the wheel, and watched in my mirror as the tailgate approached the deck, my dyslexic mind trying to flip things correctly, to avoid a crash…
Curtis Hollow
I remembered the road well, because he'd grown up nearby, & had pointed out to me exactly each wooded ravine he & his brothers used to bushwhack & ski, almost killing themselves…
Into The Fray
He jockeyed his tractor bucket into position over the bed of my Chevy: an inch here, and inch there, with a precision undoubtedly born from having done it wrong enough times…
Night Drive
Somehow, the late color is more poignant, causing an unexpected strike of longing, or melancholy…