“A work of art, or the windshield of a truck, depending which way you look at it. I’ve been grasping to hold onto these final days of the gardening season, but the jury is in. Dormancy is real, and we all must take turns, deep diving into the subterranean, now that the truth of winter sleep & darkness is fully upon us. It’s a time of quiet joy, and twinkling lights, and silence. Also of sadness, yearning and unfathomable grief. The value of each small interaction holds a million tells. There is so much more we long to express, but can’t, due to obstacles, seemingly beyond our control. But the richness of being human can never be diminished. Those who attempt to blame our species, don’t know what it is to live, and be truly alive. In a partially digital world, we will not submit ever, to being, partial. For to be human is to thrive on nature’s bounty, and know the wild truth of self healing. We know this, in our bones. Despite the trauma, much of it inflicted by pathological influences, we remain a body of spirit, and vitality. Don’t ever doubt your innate ability to reach into a more stable reality, and take its nourishment, as your own. Ours is a world of lowly mosses, and ancient civilizations. The stories that confuse us, are not made of biological matter, coupled with the pure energy we are. They are warped mythologies, unaware of what we are, which is what they want to destroy, out of weakness. I’m not sure why I want to say this right now, but let’s pretend. Let’s imagine we are the librarians of a delicate, bountiful world, all encompassed here, on a dirt based planet. Let’s allow that for the moment, we are the wisdom, that is precious beyond all measure. Stop the guilt, stop the shaming. Let go of the negative narratives, that pound us into submission, and sap us of our will force, and divide us from our power. As it has been said many times: unplug. The fabricated universe of animated humanity, has surely run its course. I celebrate those who enter into our space of rural community, with a clear conscience based in fact, and reality. We know what is what, and if we don’t, we still want only to serve each other, at the highest level. We will continue to kindle our fires, tend to our food crops and delight each other with beautiful creations. It is not more complicated. They have not yet captured our souls.”