Digging Out
The town plow decided not to plow to my house today, but close to it, which was no cigar…
Border Crossing
Leaving Jeff's, I didn't know where I was going but I decided to continue along the dirt road bordering his property, because I'd seen a car coming out of it, which meant it was passable, probably…
Forest Portal
What's left of the snow cleaves to my heart, as if its melting is some remnant of my own dissolution…
Colby Hill
We came to the dead end of the road, where a slight pull off allowed us to park…
Lawn Chairs
And so it was, that the cold, fall rains began to come in earnest, plastering their slick, icy drops, onto summer's favorite outdoor seating…
Close Encounters
My friend and I have a kind of obsession for off road exploring, but the post office can also be a place of adventure…
Showing Up
I've always thought of it as one of my jobs, and I've had many, to support & guide people towards their own creative process…
Snow Gardening
My footing uncertain, I round the back of the barn, up one steep slope of crusted snow, aiming for patches of dirt, already cognizant that coming back down will be harder…
Trees For Sale
The one lane road used to go thru to the North Branch road, but mostly now it just goes to the Sinclair family Christmas tree farm…