“I don’t know how other people who have to work are coping. I’m not on board with this issue of wearing masks. This is not an adult conversation, if you go to any low income part of the state. Go into any neighborhood where people have to work and you are not focused on a piece of cloth. You need to go to your job and get paid for it. You wear a mask if someone tells you it’s required. You fall in line or you don’t get paid. The class bullshit around this is nakedly evident. Get real, progressives. You can sit around feeling safe with mouth coverings, or join the human race. We are all contagious. We are all building immunity every second unless and until the authorities tell us to stop being human. Human. Stop being afraid of us. This is a propagandist agenda. I said it before, but got shamed off Facebook. Breathe on me.
You might be cool with all this, I guess, if your family is together and you’re discovering intimacy for the first time. Why didn’t you do it before? Just asking. Did you have to order up a lockdown to experience your biological exclusivity? For us singles, it’s as bad as it gets. In fact, the whole thing is incredibly cruel to those who are alone or financially challenged. I guess Vermont is full of trust funders, who are finding enlightenment as our fundamental constitutional rights are being simply destroyed. I’m feeling pretty bitter towards friends who continue to float along, starry eyed, thinking this is all okay. If you would devote even an hour of time to examining the deeper motives behind this completely unconstitutional “lockdown” and the so-called science behind it, you might be thinking with more of your brain. Don’t even consider attacking my position. Those of you who are “happy” are in the distinct minority. I don’t need your flaccid remarks. You have hung up your critical thinking along with your selfishness. Go on feeling righteous and virtuous. Every step you take to remove our rights will be etched in history. #vermont #plandemic I won’t respond to negative comments. My goal is to represent those who have no voice. ”