Petal Mettle
We split up the crew, and I went plant shopping, while the others stayed behind to prepare the beds…
Super Cell
When they predict thunderstorms, you don't really know although some track the progress of storms, but I usually don't…
Leaning into Spring
I leave the house with a fully packed truck: wheel barrow, buckets & tools; a thermos of nettle tea, two slices of buttered bread, and chick pea spread; a phone, a tee shirt, an empty mug for coffee, in case I decide to stop for that; a possible plan to visit with an old friend, at the tail end of the day…
Gig Economy
The day started rainy, but dried off as I drove, skipping over a mountain gap, past the ranger station & down along the magnificent White River valley…
Not The Same Store
Sometimes you only know a town by its store, passing through, with no close friends about, maybe once a month…
Sticks & Stones
Contemplating sticks is something I do, although I admit much of what they say to me goes into my unconscious rather than telling me directly…
Cooley Glen
The rivers are gushing, still blending snow melt seamlessly with rock & debris…
Babe in the Woods
I was driving back from the post office Saturday morning, and since I'd had it in my mind to try to connect a couple trails between conservation land & a local park, I decided to first drive by to gauge snowfall amounts…